Wednesday, February 3, 2010

February 1, 2010

This last week we saw that with a couple of our amis. We have been praying to get in contact with them again and as we ahve been more obedient Heavenly Father has helped everything to fall into place. WE finally saw Xavier again. On wednesday we were crossing the street to go to the church and I see a car coming toward us and said to myself that looks like the same kind of car as Xavier. As it got closer there was a man waving to us. It was Xavier. Luckly the light was red so we ran u pnext to his car and he asked us if we were going to the church then said that he would be there in 5 minutes. We were both so excited. We were able to talk to him then and again on Saturday. And saturday he opened right up with us. We were teaching him with Bro. Bolter and xavier looks up to him like his own grandpa; It is going to take some time but slowly but surely. I have complete faith he will be baptized soon. We met this guy las week when we were contacting his name is Sebastien. He was really receptive. We got to teach him this last week he really has been prepared and is still being prepared for the gospel. He has never been religious neither does he know much about religions. So as we explained and testified you could really feel the spirit working on him. As he left the church he told us how he felt good and was excited to see us again. I was kind of sad when I called to confirm our next appointment and he said that he isnt ready yet. He needs more time he isnt ready yet. I got to thinking how important it is for us to continue to pray for him especailly for the spirit to work in his heart.

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