Wednesday, April 28, 2010

April 28, 2010

This last week have had so many blessing we are finding new amis all the time; Sr. Andrews and i were talking yesterday and we dont know what we did to be so blessed. It was really cool I don't know if i told you about Stephan. Sr. Cordner and i had contacted him about a month ago then this last week we finally had an appointment with him. He is really cool. He has been in many different religions and finally joined the catholic church 3 years ago and says that it is the one that helps him feel the closest to God. Our lesson with him was so good. he had so many questions and really wants to know more.
Our other amis are doing well. it has been hard to see them more than once a week for the last couple of weeks but they are still doing well and progressing.
Friday night we had such a miracle. We had been in an appointment with Theirry and when we got done we had a missed call. We didnt know the number but the mister had left a message sayinghe wanted to know the address to the church so he could come. We called him back and we set an appointment with him to give him a tour of the church Saturday moring. We thought that it was a man that we had talked to in the road earlier in the week but weren't really sure. So Saturday morning we show up with Sr. Gentil to give him a tour. When he gets there we realized that we had never seen him before. What had happened he had met the sisters a little over a year ago and just decided that he wanted to come see the church was lilke so he called us. We were blown away! He was really cool. the sister with us talked a whole lot and we were worried that it scared him off. He didnt come to church on Sunday but when we called he said he had got called to work but that he would come next week; and just tonight we ran into him on the road and he wants to see us again!

Monday, April 19, 2010

April 19, 2010

We really had a great week. we found 3 new amis this week. THe first one was really a miracle. We had an evening that we had a lot of time and no appointments and decided that we would knock some doors. I had seen this appartment complex and had wanted to go there for a while but we just never did but since we had the time and it was int he area we decided to go there. As we started there wasnt anyone home on the first couple of doors. Then there was a few people that slammed the doors in our faces. But we werent getting discouraged. We had got to a new floor and the first door the lady wasnt very nice or interested. Then the next the lady opened up and started to talk with us. SHe explained that she was 100% catholic and very believing. we talked with her about 5 minutes then invited us in. We were able to share the Restoration with her. All through the lesson she talked but when we got to the first vision she was quiet and calm. She thought about it and said that she would love to come to our church. We set up another appointment for this week and she is going to come to church with us next Sunday. Her name is Visgna. WE left and were just in awe.
We talked to a couple other people in the building none of who were interested. It is crazy how Heavenly Father really puts people on our path and it is up to us to find them. It was like that with Anna that we found this week. We had been contacting and not really having "success" then we found Anna and she agreed to see us again. She wanted to know more.
As for our other amis this week was a little difficult again. It has been the vacation for the schools and that throws off all of our amis. But they are doing well. Mrs. Chapuis is doing good again. WE had been to see here on Wednesday and talked about the Liahona and the things that we have in our lives today that are like liahonas. We gave her chapter to read for our next appointment. so When we went back on Saturday she had read and she had a whole list of questions. We spent the whole time answering her questions. She has been struggling to see that Heavenly Father is helping her in her life but this last week she has seen many things that he has done to help her. It was really cool because we had SR. paya with us who is the wife of the bishop. She told Mrs. chapuis that as a couple they have been praying for her specifically. And that it was really a testimony builder for her to see that Hevenly Father is answering our prayers.
There ward here does something that I have never seen in a ward before. Every Tuesday night they have like and acting club. They decide on a play or skits or something they want to do and then work on it for the following months and then have a preformance. Well they had their preformance this last weekend and it was amazing. There were only six of them and they did skits to music. The thing is there wasnt any talking at all. It was so cool! We were so sad because it started at 8 so we didnt get to stay to see the end. It really was so cool and something new and different that I have never seen before. They are very talented.

Monday, April 12, 2010

April 12, 2010

This week was a good week but really weird. We have a schedule down and we see our amis Tuesdays and Thursdays. Well most of them. just because that is when they are free. And this wee we had the Soeurs Conference Thursday so we didnt get to see al of them like we wanted to. THey are doing well. Thierry is continuing to really progess. When we saw him this week he said that he smokes half a pack a cigerettes a day now instead of a whole pack. And he doenst drink coffee anymore! it was interesting because since he has been coming to church every week he has really been keeping his commitments and progressing. I love Cathy! she is so open and is progressing as well. SHe understands and loves the gospel. We need to get her to come to church. I think that is what will make the difference. there was a Baptism of a Sister from the branch of St. RApheal this weekend. They have to come to Cannes because they dont have a font in their building. It was such a neat baptism. Our ami Madame Chapuis came and really liked it.As we were talking after we finally figured out why she isnt progressing . she has stopped praying and reading the scriptures. It is interesting when you think about it. when we stop praying and reading we stop progressing in our lives. I understand more and more why it is important for our amis to keep doing it too. The spirit really is there so much more and helps us in our lives when we are doing these things. It was so good to have a Soeur Conference! It really was a fun day. I was so excited to see all of the Soeurs especailly SR. Brunt. The theme of the conference was becoming our best selfs. Sr. CArter talked to us aobut the 2 extremes that we find in the world. One being the extreme of fiting th mold of the world and having the right size, clothes and personality. Then the other side of the being the perfect mormons. She went on to talk about the two extremes arent good. that Heavenly Father has created us each differently and we need to be happy in our own skin. Then she went onto talk about how we need to set goals to be progressing and doing the best taht we can but not be too hard on ourselves. we have weaknesses and they are to help us to grow. We should set goals and standards for our own progression not according to the progression of others. I just love Sr. CAter. As part of the being our best self, we made all sorts of differnt salads for lunch! She talked about eating right and exercising. to end the afternoon we did some Yoga! The day was so much fun and just relaxing. WE had fun talking and laughing. To be honest it was kind of like we werent missionaries anymore just friends.

Picnic in France

We got to go with the Ward last week on a picnic. We went up to this little village in the mountains about an hour from Cannes. It was beautiful!!!! We played games and ate. I think the best part was not doing anything and just being able to visit with the members.
Jen in Gourdon where the picnic was held.
Jen in Grasse with the view behind

It is funny for the picnic you have all sorts of things but mostly sandwiches. But they are good sandwiches on baguettes!!! I love them. but then you have a lot of people that bring like salads or cold pizza. they eat a lot of cold pizza here. also they make lots of tarts/keishes. I will have to make one for you when I get home. As for the games they playes soccer, badminton, and this other cherades game.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

April 6, 2010

I think that all week that is what we talked about with our amis and with people that we met on the street. I loved being able to talk about Jesus Christ. To think about his life and all that he did for us. The spirit was so strong as we had the opportunity to testify to our amis that he lives. I think one of the coolest things was Sunday. Our Amis Thierry came right as the first session ended. We had the 2 hours in between to talk. I undestand a lot more about him and what he thinks about the church. He was talking with Brother Simon and told him all the things that had really suprised him as he has been being taught. He was raised Catholic so he knows the basics about CHrist but when he learned that Christ is still living he said that he was shocked. Then for him to know that we have a prophet on the earth he was suprised as well. We really did have an intersting discussion. He loved conference too! Earlier in the week we seen him and he has started to keep the Word of Wisdom. He has stopped drinking coffee and says he is almost ready to stop smoking. He really suprises us each time we see him.
I have to laugh sometimes at what people ask us and also what they think we do at our church. For instance we had invited someone to come to conference and he's like "will there be somthing that i have to do in order to enter, dont they rub wine on your head?" I honestly started laughing. He looked at us like what. We told him that we dont do things weird that everyone is welcome and can come in as they would like.
Anther interesting thing is when we tell people that God has called a prophet for us today. A lot of people think that it is the pope. Anyway random run ins for the week.
I was so excited Cathy came to Conference Saturday night. It was the first Saturday session that we got to watch. Some of it really was just for her. She is a single mother. Her daughter is 12 or 13. so just starting to be a teenager. and that session really had a lot of talk about mothers and their daughters. She said today that she was expecting that they would read from the bible and the Book of Mormon and talk about the verses but was pleasently suprised when they really did talk about things that concern us today in our everyday lives.